
Programming Robots

FRC Phases

An FRC robot has four phases:

Called when robot should stop (usually at the end of a game)
Called when robot is in autonomous mode
Called when robot is in teleoperated mode
Called when robot is in test mode

Each phase has two aspects:

Called once to get things ready
Called 50 times a second


Working with the Phases

How do this really work in practice?

During the time when drivers control their robots:

  • FRC Game sends a teleopInit signal
  • Robot code sets up a variable to the Joystick
  • Robot code sets up a variable to the Motor
  • FRC Game sends a teleopPeriodic signal
  • Robot code listens to the Joystick setting
  • Robot code moves the a motor “a bit” because the Joystick is set to forward.
  • Robot code moves the a motor “a bit” more because the Joystick is still set to forward.

Robot Programming Warnings

  • Never use delays (you will momentarily lose control of your robot during the delay, and it will not be as responsive)
  • Avoid using loops (unexpected conditions may cause you to lose control of your robot)

What is a RoboRIO?

  • Small computer used to control a robot
  • Lots of input and output connections
  • No display … write on laptop and download
  • Typically runs code written in Java or C++

What is Java and C++?

Both Java and C++ are:

  • compiled
  • difficult to learn
  • quite verbose

How Verbose?

Here is a function written in Java:

public int[] increment(int[] array) {
    int[] newarray = new int[array.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
        newarray[i] = array[i] + 1;
    return newarray;

Here is the same function in Python:

def increment(array):
  return [i + 1 for i in array]

What is RobotPy?

Allows students to write robot code for RoboRIO in Python


Note: We need to use Python version 3.4 or larger

RobotPy Projects

robotpy-wpilib: the python implementation of WPILib for FRC pyfrc: provides unit testing, realtime robot simulation, and easy upload capabilities for your RobotPy code roborio-packages: Various python packages for the RoboRIO platform installable by opkg, including the python interpreter and numpy robotpy-wpilib-utilities: Community focused extensions for WPILib pynetworktables: python bindings for NetworkTables that you can use to communcate with SmartDashboard and/or your robot. pynetconsole: A simple netconsole implementation in python robotpy-cscore: Python bindings for cscore, a powerful camera/streaming library roborio-vm: Scripts to create a QEMU virtual machine from the RoboRIO image file

Getting Started

Developing Notes

  • Your robot code must start within a file called
  • Add the following to the top of our code:

    import wpilib
  • Inherit from a parent class:

    class MyRobot(wpilib.IterativeRobot):
  • Create a robotInit function to create instances of your motors and hardware devices, e.g.

    def robotInit(self):
        self.motor = wpilib.Jaguar(1)

Developing Notes, 2

  • Most WPILib examples are written in Java
  • The WPILib implementation in RobotPy is very similar
  • Examples just need to be translated

Interrogating WPILib

Want to create an object to interact with the Jaguar motor controller through a PWM? Use bpython:

pip3 install bpython

Use it instead of python, and hit Tab to learn:

(robotpy) root@blobfish:~# bpython
bpython version 0.16 on top of Python 3.5.2 /root/.virtualenvs/robotpy/bin/python3
>>> import wpilib
>>> wpilib.Jaguar(
│ wpilib.Jaguar: (self, channel)                                                                      │
│ A Jaguar Constructor.                                                                               │
│                                                                                                     │
│ :param channel: The PWM channel that the Jaguar is attached to. 0-9 are on-board, 10-19 are on the  │
│ MXP port                                                                                            │

Containing RobotPy

Let’s create a virtual environment:

pip3 install virtualenvwrapper
source /usr/local/bin/
mkvirtualenv robotpy

To use it, run the following (or put in .bashrc):

source /usr/local/bin/
workon robotpy


Pulse-width modulation for variable speed fans

Date: 2017 Sep 03

Created: 2024-01-12 Fri 17:05